(2024 LOP) 5452 Paint Analysis Price: $165.00

IMPORTANT!: This is a 2024 test that is still accepting enrollments under our Late Order Purchase (LOP) plan. Please select Credit Card as the payment method during the checkout process.

This test involves the analysis and comparison of paint trace evidence. Participants are provided with both known and questioned samples. Samples for Test 5452 are different from the samples used in Test 5451; the evidence type (automotive or architectural) is alternated yearly between the tests. This allows participants to receive both types of paint tests in one year by ordering both tests, or to stay with the same test year after year and receive both evidence types every two years.

This test is included on CTS' Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043.

Samples ship in September.

LOP Enrollment deadline: 1 July 2024